Column explanations:
Object: Messier number if preceded by M, otherwise NGC number.
Con.: Three letter abbreviation for constellation the object is in.
Mag.: Magnitude (collected from various sources). The MinAp column is probably a better gauge of difficulty.
Season: The Northern Hemisphere season when the object is best-placed for observation in the evening sky.
Rating: My personal rating of the object on a scale from 1 (nonexistent) to 10 (the best). Take this with a grain of salt.
RA and Dec: The object's coordinates in Right Ascension and Declination.
MinAp: Minimum aperture required to reveal the
object, in mm. "7"=Naked eye, "35"=7x35 binoculars, "60"=60mm refractor,
"200"=Celestron C8. An asterisk indicates the object may be visible, but
requires a larger aperture to be well-seen or easily identified. These
values are for my eyes under a dark or fairly dark sky. Your results may
vary. Also note that I haven't used a 100mm or 150mm telescope, which might
catch some of the 200mm objects.
Object Con. Mag. Season Rating RA Dec MinAp M22 Sgr 5.6 S 10.0 18 35.6 -23 56 7 M13 Her 6.0 Sp 10.0 16 41.3 36 29 7 M5 Ser 6.1 Sp 10.0 15 18.0 02 08 7* M55 Sgr 6.2 S 9.0 19 39.3 -30 58 35 M3 CVn 6.3 Sp 9.0 13 41.7 28 26 7* M92 Her 6.4 Sp 9.0 17 16.8 43 10 35 M15 Peg 6.4 F 9.0 21 29.5 12 07 7* M2 Aqr 6.4 F 9.0 21 32.9 -00 53 7* M4 Sco 6.5 S 9.0 16 22.9 -26 29 7* M12 Oph 6.6 S 9.0 16 46.6 -01 56 35 M10 Oph 6.6 S 8.5 16 56.5 -04 06 35 M19 Oph 6.9 S 8.5 17 01.8 -26 14 35* 6723 CrB 7.3 S 8.5 18 58.8 -36 39 35 M62 Oph 6.6 S 8.0 17 00.6 -30 06 35 M30 Cap 7.5 S 8.0 21 39.7 -23 15 60 M71 Sge 7.6 S 8.0 19 53.2 18 45 60 M53 Com 7.8 Sp 8.0 13 12.4 18 14 60 M9 Oph 7.8 S 8.0 17 18.5 -18 30 60 M56 Lyr 8.5 S 8.0 19 16.1 30 09 60 M79 Lep 7.5 W 7.5 05 23.7 -24 32 60 M80 Sco 7.5 S 7.5 16 16.4 -22 58 60 M28 Sgr 7.6 S 7.5 18 23.8 -24 53 60 M14 Oph 8.0 S 7.5 17 37.0 -03 16 60 6293 Oph 8.2 S 7.5 17 09.5 -26 33 60 M68 Hya 8.6 Sp 7.5 12 38.8 -26 42 60 6284 Oph 9.0 S 7.5 17 03.8 -24 44 60 M54 Sgr 7.8 S 7.0 18 54.5 -30 29 60 6544 Sgr 8.3 S 7.0 18 06.6 -25 01 60 6624 Sgr 8.3 S 7.0 18 23.0 -30 22 60 6304 Oph 8.4 S 7.0 17 13.8 -29 27 60 6934 Del 8.9 S 7.0 20 33.6 07 22 60 6229 Her 9.4 Sp 7.0 16 46.7 47 33 60 5053 Com 9.5 Sp 7.0 13 15.8 17 44 200 5466 Boo 9.6 Sp 7.0 14 04.9 28 35 200 M75 Sgr 8.6 S 6.5 20 05.5 -21 57 60 6569 Sgr 8.7 S 6.5 18 12.9 -31 49 60 6642 Sgr 8.8 S 6.5 18 30.7 -23 28 60 6652 Sgr 8.9 S 6.5 18 35.0 -33 00 60 6287 Oph 9.2 S 6.5 17 04.4 -22 41 200 6638 Sgr 9.2 S 6.5 18 30.2 -25 30 200 5634 Vir 9.6 Sp 6.5 14 29.0 -05 55 200 6440 Sgr 9.7 S 6.5 17 48.2 -20 22 200 6342 Oph 9.9 S 6.5 17 20.5 -19 34 200 6453 Sco 9.9 S 6.5 17 50.6 -34 38 200 6235 Oph 10.2 S 6.5 16 52.7 -22 09 200 M69 Sgr 8.0 S 6.0 18 30.6 -32 21 60 M70 Sgr 8.1 S 6.0 18 42.5 -32 19 60 6712 Sct 8.2 S 6.0 18 52.4 -08 44 60 6553 Sgr 8.3 S 6.0 18 08.7 -25 56 60 6356 Oph 8.5 S 6.0 17 23.0 -17 48 60 6522 Sgr 8.6 S 6.0 18 02.9 -30 02 60 6316 Oph 9.0 S 6.0 17 15.8 -28 08 60 6760 Aql 9.1 S 6.0 19 10.6 01 01 200 M107 Oph 9.2 S 6.0 16 31.8 -13 01 60 M72 Aqr 9.3 S 6.0 20 52.8 -12 35 60 6401 Oph 9.5 S 6.0 17 37.9 -23 54 200 6528 Sgr 9.5 S 6.0 18 04.1 -30 04 200 6517 Oph 10.3 S 6.0 18 01.2 -08 57 200 7006 Del 10.6 S 6.0 21 00.9 16 09 200 6355 Oph 9.6 S 5.5 17 23.3 -26 20 200 4147 Com 10.3 Sp 5.5 12 09.6 18 36 200 6535 Ser 10.6 S 5.5 18 03.3 -00 18 200 6325 Oph 10.7 S 5.5 17 17.3 -23 44 200